Voted #1 Catholic Podcast for Men!

Ep 88 - Resilience and Recovery: The Road Beyond Pornography with Sam Black

Picture a battle that has been raging within you, one that ties a knot of shame and fear deep within. Now imagine a path towards healing, one that grabs you by the hand and guides you through the storm. That's what we're talking about today, with our guest, Sam Black, a specialist from Covenant Eyes and the author of The Healing Church. We're taking an honest look at the age-old issue of pornography, a subject that's often silenced but crucially important to address for true healing. We're not just discussing the problem, but also solutions, resources, and a healthier approach to handle this struggle.

Sam Black enlightens us about how pornography manipulates the natural brain chemistry, using dopamine and norepinephrine to hijack the natural sexual connection that was intended for us. We went deep into understanding how early exposure to pornography can lead to unhealthy habits and how, for many, pornographic use often intertwines with trauma and escapism. But it's not all bleak. We're also talking about strength, resilience, and the power of vulnerability. Sam shared his personal journey, reminding us all that understanding and confronting our wounds is essential for psychological health.

What about the church's role in all of this? We dive into this, confronting how the traditional approaches may have been less than helpful. It's time for openness, for safe spaces, a process that genuinely aids those seeking freedom from addiction. We also discuss how those who have found freedom can guide others in their journey. This is more than just a conversation; it's a call to rethink how we view and deal with pornography. So, join us. You might just find a path to healing you never thought was possible.

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As always, please pray for us! We are men who are striving every day to be holy, to become saints and we cannot do that without the help of the Holy Ghost!

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Resources mentioned in the episode:

1. Purchase the book here -

2. Fight porn with Covenant Eyes -

3. The Victory app from Covenant Eyes -

4. The USCCB letter "Create in Me a Clean Heart" -

5. Restored Vows from Covenant Eyes -

6. Strive 21 -

7. Samson Society -

8. Safe Haven Sunday -

9. The Healing Church website -