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Nov. 3, 2021

Ep 21 - Trust....God

Ep 21 - Trust....God

Trusting in God. We hear this statement countless times throughout our life. Oftentimes, we hear it so much it can, unfortunately, fall on deaf ears. We are all guilty of this. No matter how we are progressing in this life the struggle to take life by the horns and do it all our way is constantly lingering in the back of our minds.

But, how often does that actually work? If you think about it, when you do everything on your own without even consulting God, do you truly appreciate what you accomplished? You might give 100% to a project at work but neglect your family in the process. You might give 100% into the sport you are training for but neglect your schoolwork. Without surrendering it all to God, you will never accomplish your goals in life and truly feel satisfied in the process. Surrendering your life to God will allow you to grow in virtue, to become a saint. 

Listen to this amazing talk by Chuck Swindoll on trusting God and how we can apply that to each and every aspect of our lives today. 

James Challenge! Take 5 minutes a day and just stop, think, and reflect on the areas in your life that you are trusting God and those areas in your life you are holding on to. What is holding you back from giving it to God? Why are some areas easier in your life to give to Him and other areas more difficult? Journal, talk with a friend or spouse and make a commitment to surrender it all over to God. Trust....God. He will never let you down!

Thank you to our partners at Hallow! Hallow is the #1 Catholic app that helps deepen your prayer life, meditate on Holy Scripture, fall asleep to Bible stories, and so much more! Make sure you click on this link to receive an extended 30-day free trial of their premium content exclusively for our listeners. 

As always, please pray for us! We are men who are striving every day to be holy, to become saints and we cannot do that without the help of the Holy Ghost! 


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Resources mentioned in the episode:

1. Chuck Swindoll "Trust God" youtube
2. Chuck Swindoll Wikipedia page
3. Chuck Swindoll Insight for Living 

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