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Aug. 16, 2023

Unleash Your Inner Catholic Cowboy: Ride with Fr. Bryce Lungren

Unleash Your Inner Catholic Cowboy: Ride with Fr. Bryce Lungren

In this episode of The Manly Catholic, Father Bryce will discuss his newest book, "The Cowboy Catholic Way." Fr. Bryce is a true cowboy through and through and challenges all men to embrace their inner cowboy and live out their faith.

A Call to True Grit

It's time to take off the mask, gentlemen. It's time to shed the masks and let your faith shine unapologetically. Fr. Bryce Lungren has a challenge that hits home: be yourself, faith, and all. "The Catholic Cowboy Way" isn't about sugarcoating or dancing around the truth. It's about living your faith with the kind of authenticity that's second nature to a cowboy. It's about embracing your faith journey no matter where it takes you. As long as you stay on the narrow path that leads to truth and to heaven, God will be with you to guide you home.

Saddle Up with the Sacraments

Fr. Bryce has a unique way of seeing the Sacraments—they're not just ceremonies, but powerful encounters with Jesus Christ Himself. Picture strapping on your cowboy boots and heading to Confession, where mercy flows like a fresh stream of water, engulfing your soul in His mercy. Imagine riding over to the Eucharist, where you can feast on the Bread of Life. The Sacraments are where we encounter our Lord. Frequent them as often as possible. 

Championing Authentic Holiness

Men, it's time to throw out the idea that holiness is reserved for a select few. Fr. Bryce Lungren is challenging each and every one of you to step up. He's urging you to break free from the herd, to follow the trail that leads to true, authentic holiness. This isn't about being perfect; it's about being as real as you can as you pursue the unique path God has laid out for you.

Unleash Your Inner Catholic Cowboy

So, are you ready to step out into the light and let your faith roam free? Fr. Bryce Lungren is extending an invitation to ride tall in the saddle of authenticity. He's encouraging you to live out your faith, not just on Sundays, but in every nook and cranny of your life. It's about being a Catholic cowboy who isn't afraid to let his faith blaze a trail.

Don't Miss the Ride

Gentlemen, this is your moment. This episode with Fr. Bryce Lungren is a call to action. It's a challenge to break free from whatever's been holding you back and start living your faith with purpose. It's a wake-up call to let your inner Catholic cowboy roar to life. Tune in today and get ready for a ride that might just change the way you see your faith.

Don't let this chance pass you by. Tune in now and get ready to embrace the journey!