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Aug. 14, 2023

Reviving the Warrior's Path: St. Michael's Lent

Reviving the Warrior's Path: St. Michael's Lent

In a world where distractions loom large and the battle for our souls rages on, a beacon of ancient strength is rekindling in the hearts of men. August 15th, a date etched in tradition, marks the commencement of a transformative journey known as St. Michael's Lent—a rallying cry for men to embrace spiritual disciplines, wield asceticism, and forge brotherhood.

This revival isn't mere happenstance; it's the inspired work of the stalwarts behind Exodus 90, a renowned men's spiritual movement. Spanning from August 15th to the Feast of the Archangel Michael on September 29th, this 40-day mission calls upon men worldwide to don the mantle of prayer, self-discipline, and camaraderie. It's a clarion call to simplify life, to tune out the cacophony of the world and engage in profound dialogue with the Divine.

St. Michael: The Guardian Warrior

At the heart of St. Michael's Lent stands the figure of St. Michael, the guardian angel of God's men—a beacon of courage and the embodiment of the warrior spirit. Dr. Jared Staudt, Exodus' director of content, underlines St. Michael's relevance, especially for men of faith. "St. Michael's Lent unveils the spiritual battle that swirls around us," he asserts. In an era where spiritual combat is undeniably real, invoking St. Michael becomes a rallying cry for men to stand tall, defending what is sacred.

St. Francis of Assisi, a name synonymous with sanctity, experienced the divine profoundly during St. Michael's Lent in 1224. As he undertook this journey, he found himself touched by the stigmata—a testament to the power of this tradition.

A Counter-Cultural Pursuit

August 15th holds special significance—it's the feast day of the Assumption of Mary in the Catholic Church, and it marks the commencement of St. Michael's Lent. Jamie Baxter, the Founder & CEO of Exodus, echoes the sentiment that the pursuit of prayer, fasting, and dedicated time with the Lord transcends liturgical seasons. It's a year-round commitment, an essential facet of a man's life. In a world that pushes men to lay down their arms, St. Michael's Lent challenges them to rise—a clarion call to don spiritual armor and defend families, parishes, and faith.

United in Brotherhood

The strength of fraternity lies at the heart of St. Michael's Lent. It's a call to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, locking shields with brothers who walk the same path. Kurt Gibson of San Diego, after four years of embarking on Exodus programs, attests to the vitality of fraternity. Within this circle of accountability, men find the strength to strive for excellence through Christ. A fraternity of 6-8 men becomes a fortress, a sanctuary for growth and resilience.

The Exodus App: A Modern Weapon of Faith

As distractions fade and focus sharpens, the Exodus app emerges as a modern weapon in this spiritual voyage. Boasting over 5,000 5-star reviews, it's a treasure trove of tools to enrich the journey. Daily readings, reflections, workout guides, habit-tracking tools, and more lie at your fingertips. In an innovative move, the Exodus app now features audio versions of daily content, enabling men to engage during commutes or work breaks. The app's Fraternity Finder transcends geographical confines, connecting men globally for mutual support and accountability.

In the Footsteps of the Archangel

St. Michael's Lent isn't just a revival of an ancient tradition; it's a clarion call for men to reclaim their role as spiritual warriors. In an era that hungers for authenticity and resilience, this journey speaks to the depths of a man's soul. It echoes the call of St. Michael, the guardian of God's men, who stands as a timeless model of valor.

In a world that demands courage, men are summoned to rise, to embrace the essence of true masculinity—fierce protectors, unwavering in faith. As St. Michael's Lent beckons, men are called to don their armor, to stand as beacons of light amidst the darkness, and to march forward in unity, embracing the challenge of the warrior's path.

The Disciplines

Now, you knew it wasn't going to be a blog post about Exodus 90 without introducing the disciplines involved. Don't worry, there are no cold showers for this one! Although, feel free to engage in them should you so desire. For St. Michael's Lent, you are being asked to: 

  • Silent prayer for 30 minutes daily
  • Make two holy hours each week
  • Read/listen to a daily passage on the Exodus app from the Book of Revelation and a reflection to go deeper into the reading
  • Make a morning offering
  • Make a nightly examen
  • Celebrate the Lord’s Day as a ‘little Easter’
  • No meat on Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Observe Wednesdays and Fridays as days of penance (each week we’ll provide a different way for you to observe this)
  • Abstain from internet browsing and video games
  • Avoid unnecessary smartphone use

At first glance, it may seem overwhelming. It may seem like it is not hard enough. Wherever you fall, the important thing is that you do it with brothers. We cannot do this alone men. We need our brothers-in-arms to help us through these difficult times. 

Exodus 90 makes it so simple to find a fraternity near you if you do not have a local parish or enough men interested to join you. Heck, reach out to me at and I would be happy to journey along side you as well!